Akwa Ibom Tech Community

Welcome, Diasporans!

We’re excited to connect with the amazing Akwa Ibom diaspora and acknowledge the crucial role you play in our community.

We’re excited to connect with the amazing Akwa Ibom diaspora
and acknowledge the crucial role you play in our community.

Diaspora Hero Awards

We will be honouring those who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to drive economic and social growth in Africa during AKTW2024.

Fostering Collaboration

Our goal is to bridge the gap between Akwa Ibom and its diaspora by fostering meaningful collaborations and partnerships.

Creating Opportunities

We aim to create opportunities for investment, mentorship, and skill-sharing to drive economic growth and innovation.

Promoting Economic Stability

By engaging the diaspora, we strive to enhance economic stability and reduce brain drain through strategic initiatives.

Enhancing Policy & Infrastructure

We are committed to advocating for policies that support tech development and improving infrastructure to create a conducive environment for talent to thrive.

Goals/Objectives with Diasporans


Want to make a real difference and be part of something bigger?

See how your unique skills and experiences can help shape the future of Akwa Ibom’s tech community.

Whether you’re an experienced professional or just passionate about making a change, our platform gives you the chance to contribute to something amazing.

We’re all about building strong connections and driving innovation.

With your help, we can achieve incredible things together.

Why Engage with Us?

Your engagement can drive local innovation, create new opportunities, and foster economic stability. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Investment Opportunities

Explore various investment avenues in Akwa Ibom's tech sector and be part of our growth.

Mentorship Programs

Learn how you can mentor local talents and contribute to their skill development.

Collaborative Projects

Discover ongoing and upcoming projects that need your expertise and involvement.

Join Us Today!

We’re all about building strong connections and driving innovation. With your help, we can achieve incredible things together. Join us today and be a vital part of this exciting journey!

Register Now
IIN Diaspora Data Form

Bio Data

Section 1

Background and Expertise

Section 2

Interest in Collaboration

Section 3

Availability and Commitment

Section 4

Additional Information

Section 5

Key Focus Areas

Capacity Building
Innovation & Technology Development

who i’m

hello my name is nick bejos

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.


Diaspora Engagement